Sleep is an innate biological rhythm – a Bio-Rhythm – and is part of our homeostasis. Homeostasis is the process that regulates our body. It is like our body’s thermostat. It maintains a “steady state” of internal conditions, such as blood pressure, body temperature, hunger, hormone levels, our acid-based balance,Continue Reading

Hypersomnia Excessive daytime sleepiness, most common during adolescence due to rapid physical changes during puberty, increases the need for sleep. This can also be the result of one or a combination of sleep apnea, depression, insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep drunkenness, periodic limb movements, drug abuse, or other problems. Insomnia Difficulty gettingContinue Reading

Anything that disrupts our normal sleep affects our sleep-wake cycle. This can lead to an imbalance in sleep Homeostasis and Circadian Cycles. For many people, poor sleep constitutes a serious medical problem. Doctors describe and treat nearly one hundred different sleep disorders. Each year more than 40 million Americans sufferContinue Reading

Although it’s common to think of sleep as a time of “shutting down,” it is actually an active physiological process. While our metabolism generally slows down during sleep, all major organs and regulating systems continue to function normally.  REM and Non-REM Sleep can be categorized into two distinct types: RapidContinue Reading

The Importance of Sleep to Our Physical Health Scientists and researchers are still learning why we sleep. What we do know is that our bodies secrete many important hormones while we sleep. These hormones control metabolism and many other bodily functions. Cortisol For example, cortisol, a stress hormone, enters ourContinue Reading

If you ever feel sleepy or “zone out” during the day, or just find it hard to wake up on Monday mornings, you are familiar with the powerful need for sleep. But you may not realize that sleep is as essential to your well-being as food and water. The mysteriesContinue Reading

Sleep’s age-old mysteries have intrigued scientists and researchers for centuries. As sleep overtakes us and different parts of the cerebral cortex stop communicating, consciousness fades (Massimini et al 2005). Once asleep, we pass through a cycle of five distinct sleep stages at intervals of about every ninety minutes. Breathing becomesContinue Reading