Also known as person-centered therapy developed by Carl Rogers, humanistic therapy describes a therapist’s aim to boost self-fulfillment by helping a person to grow in self-awareness and self-acceptance. The therapist tends to focus on the present and future more than the past. They explore feelings as they come up, ratherContinue Reading

Here at we offer what we believe are the best aspects of various psychotherapy approaches: those with emphasis on people’s inherent potential for self-fulfillment. Our aim is to help people grow in self-awareness and self-acceptance, and to reduce those conflicts that impede one’s natural developmental growth. We believe thatContinue Reading

Negative self-defeating thoughts are the basis of depression. Depressed people see themselves and the world around them – as well as the future – in negative terms. This occurs because of major distortions in thinking. The first distortion is selective perception i.e., perceving only certain stimuli in a larger array.Continue Reading

Transcendental Meditation (TM), just as mindful meditation has at its core ancient knowledge from Indian writings, some of the oldest traditions in the world. Prior to its introduction to the United States in 1959 by Maharuishi Mahesh Yogi, people in the western world were skeptical that the practice of meditationContinue Reading

Since 1987, articles written on selected negative emotions have outnumbered those on positive emotions by seventeen to one.  New studies of happiness and health have demonstrated a shift from learned helplessness and depression to optimism and thriving. Positive psychology is an all-encompassing phrase that describes the study of positive characterContinue Reading