Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD) has replaced the past term of Mental Retardation. People receive this diagnosis when they display general intellectual functioning that is well below average, in combination with poor adaptive behavior. (APA, 2013, 2012) In addition to having a low IQ (a score of 70 or below), a person with IDD has great difficulty in areas such as communication, home living, self-direction, work, or safety. (APA, 2013) These symptms must appear before the age of eighteen.
Classifications of IDD range from moderate to severe to profound. The more serious levels often include chromosomal disorders, the most common of which is Down Syndrome. Fewer than one of every 1,000 live births results in Down Syndrome, named after the British physician Langdon Down who first identified the condition. People with Down Syndrome appear in all nationalities, social and economic backgrounds, and have numerous physical abnormalities that may include heart disorders, poor vision and respiratory problems.
Known Risks
The risk of giving birth to a child with Down Syndrome increases greatly after a woman reaches the age of 35. Tests are routinely performed during pregnancy to examine the chromosomes of the unborn baby and to determine whether the fetus displays chromosomal abnormalities.
Today people with Down Syndrome are viewed as individuals who can learn and accomplish many things in their lives.
This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.
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