Morning Mindfulness and Journaling

Journaling is an excellent and extremely personal way of expressing your emotions, or just to get things off your chest. If at all possible, start your day by spending the first twenty minutes practicing mindful breathing, contemplative meditation and journaling.

Starting with the first ten minutes of your day on mindful breathing exercises establishes a calm, non-judgemental pace for the rest of the day. You don’t have to close your eyes, say a mantra or go anywhere to do this simple exercise. You can even practice mindful breathing at work or school without anyone noticing.

Start Your Day Mindfully

To begin, sit in an upright position with your feet planted firmly on the floor and your back slightly away from the chair back. Take long, slow, deep breaths pausing before slowly exhaling. Pay close attention to your lungs and chest expanding. Let your shoulders droop a little to allow your breath to fill your lower chest and abdomen and relax your jaw.

Starting your day mindfully with a short breathing exercise will get you into the habit of living your entire day mindfully. Mindfulness is all about connecting to the here and now. It is about allowing yourself to develop greater awareness, perspective and acceptance.

As your mind quiets down, just concentrate on your breathing. If your thoughts begin to stray, just label them without judging and gently bring your mind back to your breathing.

The Second Ten Minutes

The second ten minutes jot down any thoughts or emotions you had when you first woke up. Was there any leftover stress or tension from the day before? Just write it down. There is no right or wrong way to journaling. Just allow your thoughts to flow onto the paper. Write down what you feel. Think about your day and what could cause you apprehension, fear or stress. Plan how you will deal with it, while remaining mindful, calm and relaxed.

Journaling on the Go

Some people prefer smaller note books that can easily be carried in a purse, backpack or briefcase. They can jot down their thoughts and experiences as the day progresses. The last thing to do at night is to review your day’s writing. Compare any apprehensions and worries you may have had that morning with what actually happened during the course of the day. Were your worries justified, or were they perhaps a little exaggerated? It can be helpful to keep track of your fears and worries and how they transpire.

Many people enjoy journaling so much after they get comfortable that they continue the practice throughout their lives.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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