There are almost as many reasons for addiction as there are people who have become addicted. Nearly everyone has a family member or knows someone who is suffering an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Addiction does not discriminate between gender, age group, race, skin color, or economic status. Some individualsContinue Reading

3.3 million people globally die each year from alcohol. 1.1 billion people worldwide smoke tobacco. Nearly 6 million adults in California are binge drinkers. 90 Americans die everyday from opioid overdoses. Gamblers’ brain scans look similar to drug addicts’ brain scans. 75 percent of addicted Americans are unemployed. One inContinue Reading

Used for thousands of years, opioids include opium, which is taken from the sap of the opium poppy plant. Morphine (named for the Greek god of sleep Morpheus), and heroin are also derived from opium. Synthetic versions of these drugs such as methadone and codein are medical narcotics usually prescribedContinue Reading

Withdrawal is the physical disturbance or changes that occur when a person begins to discontinue or suddenly stops their heavy use of drugs or alcohol. It also freqently accompanies ceasing the use of some prescription drugs or opiods. The period following such a cessation may include painful physiological and psychologicalContinue Reading

1. Addicts are weak, selfish, crazy, bad and/or stupid. Extensive research shows that addicts are ordinary people who are neither crazy nor insane. They are not bad people who need rehabilitating, nor stupid people that need to go back to school, nor weak or selfish, unable to kick their habit.Continue Reading

An addiction is a compulsive craving for a substance or behavior despite harmful or adverse consequences, and often has physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and distress following sudden withdrawal. In recent pop psychology, the supposedly irresistible seduction of addiction has been extended to include many behaviors formerly considered badContinue Reading