
Cacodemonia is defined in physchology as a pathological belief in which the patient is convinced they are inhabited or possessed by a wicked entity or evil spirit. In Plato’s Greece, “daemons” were often invisible and were believed to be constituted of material unlike human or animal. They could be good (agathodaemons) or evil (cacodemons). Eudoaemons (also called agathodaemons) were sometimes associated with benevolent angels, the ghosts of the dead, heros, or supernatural beings who existed between mortals and gods, as in the teachings of the priestess Diotima to Socrates in Plato’s Symposium. While cacodaemons were malevolent spirits who could afflict humans with mental, physical, or spiritual ailments.

Some of the earliest accounts of Incubi and Succubi, which were neither evil spirits nor fallen angels but corporeal beings “created midway between humans and angels” are what we today would call hybrid offspring resulting from “alien abduction.”

Goblins, Goonies and Fairies

In etymology (the study of the history of words) the word “nightmare” actually derives from the old English maere meaning “goblin” or “incubus.”

Stories of anomalous cryptids moving in and out of man’s reality were considered fact in ancient times. Early civilizations around the world viewed “them” as co-existing with man, capable of being seen whenever the nether-world beings willed it. This entailed the opening of portals or spirit gateways, and through these openings ghosts, goblins, trolls, werewolves and those mythical beings of legend known as fairies would suddenly appear.

Some modern descriptions are virtually identical with ancient writings of demons and the bogie or bogeyman, as well as other names closely associated with a variety of “cryptids” from the Greek Krypto meaning “hide.” Throughout history these have been depicted in art and on buildings as bat-like gargoyles and winged dragons.

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