As many as one in three children experience bullying in school. When we were young there always seemed to be one particular kid in the playground or park who thought they were in charge, mainly because they were bigger or stronger. You remember them. They would use their size toContinue Reading

You may think you have an idea why your child is angry or upset, but chances are you are wrong. Children can feel angry for a wide variety of reasons. Much of their anger is due to their self-esteem getting bruised. For example, other children can be quite cruel andContinue Reading

Children who grow up in a stressful tumultuous household with both parents could be far worse off than growing up in a single-parent home. Living with one or both alcoholic or drug addicted parents is probably a life not worth remembering. Children brought up with physical abuse, harsh punishment andContinue Reading

People with social phobia have a strong persistent fear of being with or associating with unfamiliar people or complete strangers. They will go out of their way to try to avoid situations where they might meet new people at business or social events. They would rather not be required toContinue Reading

Children learn at an early age to be aggressive when it pays to be. Children whose aggression successfully intimidates other children may become even more aggressive. Parents can be the driving factor behind whether a child grows up to be aggressive by the way they discipline them. A child’s self-esteemContinue Reading

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is a fairly new diagnosis, appearing for the first time in the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5) in 2013. It describes a childhood of extreme irritability, anger and frequent intense temper outbursts, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). DMDD symptoms extendContinue Reading

Did you know that the paint on your walls could be causing lower I.Q.s, behavior disorders and learning disabilities in your children? This topic is not actively discussed since America banned lead paint over 40 years ago but the problems caused by not only lead in paint continue to linger.Continue Reading