Helping behaviors are prosocial behaviors that are intended to help or comfort a person and to gain insight into a personal problem. It is valuable to keep the following comparison in mind. This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life. ReviewContinue Reading

In routine problem solving or thinking, there is only one correct answer. The problem is to find it. This leads to convergent thinking – lines of thought that converge on the answer. To be creative, the solution to the problem must be more than novel, unusual, or original. It mustContinue Reading

Happiness, like the cholesterol levels in our body, is a genetically influenced trait. However, just as cholesterol can be influenced by diet and exercise, our happiness, to some extent, is under our control. Understand that money doesn’t buy happiness.Wealth is like health. It’s absence breeds misery, but having wealth doesn’tContinue Reading

Fifty percent of happiness is determined by our genes and totally out of our control, according to Sonya Lyubomirsky, a psychologist a the University of California, Riverside. Ten percent is determined by circumstances, somewhat out of our control, and the final forty percent is determined by our thoughts, actions andContinue Reading

Happiness, like most of our traits, is in part genetically inherited and somewhat under our control. Research gathered over the years favors the following ten ways of improving our happiness: Realizing money can’t buy enduring happiness. Taking control over one’s time. Acting happy. Seeking work and leisure activities that engageContinue Reading

Our world is filled with millions of people who are not aware they are self-destructive. This is the root cause of a whole host of problems. Their lifestyles include failures in school, job or career, destroyed relationships and marriages, criminal behavior, substance abuse, and depression. All ending frequently with suicide.Continue Reading