Depression and Addiction Trauma-Informed Care How to Tell if Someone is Shooting Up Ripple Ranch Recovery Center Birth Injury Cerebral Palsy Guide Suicide and Substance Abuse During the Pandemic Alcohol Addiction and Abuse Granite Recovery Centers Treatment Program Holistic Mental Health A Buddhist Psychology A. Brazier, 2003 AContinue Reading

Many people live most of their lives coping with long periods of anxiety, stress, sadness, spiralling downward into unexplained unhappiness. Mental and physical exhaustion even approaches the level of clinical depression. Whether the reasons are a fast paced life or intense work responsibilites, financial strain, relationship problems or disillusionment withContinue Reading

The emotions we experience are greatly influenced by how we think and feel about an event in the first place. Emotional Appraisal refers to evaluating the personal meaning of a situation. Is it good or bad? Threatening or supportive? Relevant or not? And so forth. As an example, if anotherContinue Reading

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suicide warning signs should be taken seriously. They should include people talking to others or themselves about feeling as if they’re a burden, are feeling hopeless or want to die.  Other major warning signs for people who may be atContinue Reading