Suicide Epidemic Rarely Mentioned

Suicide is the epidemic that is rarely mentioned, unless a celebrity is found dead and there happens to be a note left behind. 

Suicides have increased more than 30 percent nationwide since 1999, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the CDC calls for better suicide prevention measures. The data from 27 states in 2015 also shows that those who died from suicide weren’t diagnosed with a mental health condition.

Long Way to Go

The suicide rate increase for both men and women across all age and ethnic groups is propelled by mental illness, Substance Use Disorders, financial hardships and relationship problems, the CDC said.

The National Alliance for Suicide Prevention has said we have a long way to go to strengthen our community and health systems so as to make sure that when someone is at risk we get them help. The Alliance is working with more than 250 hospitals to ensure that if someone is brought in after a suicide attempt they are connected to long-term mental health care.

Lopsided Attention

As a side note, the Media is supposed to be “silent” or “responsible” when discussing suicide issues as to not give people the wrong idea. Yet if deaths by autos increased by 30 percent there would be a national outcry and speed limit signs would be decreased to 25 mph.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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