Negative Thoughts

Our thoughts –including negative thoughts, are very powerful. When we use negative words in our self-talk, we reinforce negative attitudes. This produces negative chain reactions that ultimately make us feel terrible, especially when our expectations are not realized.

Lazy Thinking

Using over-generalizing statements and words should also be avoided. Employing all-encompassing statements is a form of cognitive indolence, or lazy thinking. Another often used form of negative or de-moralizing thought turns insignificant events into major disasters. For example, “oh great, I’m late for class, I’ll surely fail the course now.” Or, to predictably anticipate the awful event that “could” happen but most probably won’t. Thoughts about having the “worst” “always” happening are ways to become trapped in fear. Negative, over-generalized thoughts, will prevent you from ever experiencing exciting new adventures in life.

Shouldn’t Use Should

Some words should be rarely used. “Should” is one of those. It places our expectations of how we want the world around us to be. In this instance however, the word “should” is used in a way that teaches or expresses a desire or thought.

Never Use Always

Other often mis-used words that should be avoided, especially in our self-talk, are the words “never” and “always” because nothing is “never” or “always.” These words are extreme and when used inappropriately will reinforce negative attitudes. 

To stay positive we will replace our negative thoughts with telling yourself “I can do this!”

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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