Is my child gifted? How does a parent spot an unusually bright child? Early signs of giftedness are not always “intellectual.” Giftedness can be either the possession of a high I.Q. or special talents or aptitudes, such as creativity. The following signs may reveal that your child is gifted: AnContinue Reading

How does parental neglect, family disruption and day-care affect a child? What happens when circumstances prevent a child from forming close attachments? This is the saddest area of psychology. Babies raised in institutions, without stimulation, attention or love by a regular parent, or locked away in an abusive, neglected conditionContinue Reading

The term pedophile, as well as all sexual activities, is controversial when included in the published mental health disorder categories, creating an environment in which an increasing number of human behaviors is open to being declared deviant. Diagnosis The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5), publishedContinue Reading

Domestic violence is all about control. Almost always it begins with emotional abuse, although emotional abuse doesn’t necessarily precede physical abuse. Domestic violence means physical abuse, which includes slapping, hitting, shoving, hair pulling and a variety of other abuse that should never be tolerated. One key is that if thereContinue Reading

Children with Less Screen Time Have Improved Cognition Children aged 8-11 who sleep nine to eleven hours per night experience better cognition and academic performance if they have at least one hour of physical activity during the day and spend less than two hours watching a computer or smartphone screen.Continue Reading