Our brain is the single most important sex organ. Our own imagination can and often does influence sexual arousal and our desire. People who have little or no genital sensation due to spinal cord injuries, can still feel sexual desire (Willmuth, 1987). Also consider the potential of erotic sensation derivedContinue Reading

Orgasmic Disorder, now referred to as Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD), is the difficulty or inability for a woman to reach orgasm during sexual stimulation. According to Psychology Today, this disturbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty in order to be diagnosed. The diagnosis given to men is not orgasmicContinue Reading

According to psychoanalyst Erik Erikson (1902-1994), during the fifth stage of human development – adolescent through young adult years – we struggle with identity issues. This is the time when we develop a sense of who we are, i.e., our self-image. In many cases it becomes “self-images.”  New Problems ConfusedContinue Reading