When someone smiles at you, you almost always smile back at them. It’s actually quite difficult to avoid smiling back. Smiling in itself can make you feel happy. Seeing someone smiling is a sign that they are happy. This made you smile which then made you feel happy. Therefore, smilingContinue Reading

Part 1 The process of fully developing personal potentials is known as self-actualization (Maslow, 1954). The heart of self-actualization is a continual search for personal fulfillment (Ross & Havercamp, 2005). A self-actualizer is a person living creatively and fully, using his or her potentials. Self-actualizers share many similarities whether richContinue Reading

Happiness, like most of our traits, is in part genetically inherited and somewhat under our control. Research gathered over the years favors the following ten ways of improving our happiness: Realizing money can’t buy enduring happiness. Taking control over one’s time. Acting happy. Seeking work and leisure activities that engageContinue Reading

“Know thyself” is one of the foundations of achieving human strength and happiness, according to psychologist Erich Fromm (1900-1980). A lot of time, effort and money is spent by many people in an attempt to find the “self” they feel is most worthy to achieve acceptance and most likely toContinue Reading

By Isha Sadhguru Sadhguru looks at why joy is our fundamental responsibility and answers a common yet pressing question for many: “How to be happy in life.” He gives us 10 tips towards making this a reality. Sadhguru: When you are fundamentally joyous, when you do not have to doContinue Reading

Empathy means having a capacity for taking another person’s point of view, or the ability to feel what someone else is feeling. Empathetic people are good at reading facial expressions, tone of voice, body language and other signs of someone else’s emotion. Empathetic arousal occurs when you feel some ofContinue Reading