Opioids and Suicide

New guidelines for prescribing Opioids for acute pain have been developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), stepping up its efforts to combat Opioid abuse. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, opioid abuse is a common factor behind the alarming epidemic-like increase in suicide rates since 1999. The CDC is using a new system that tracks Opioid overdoses in a timely way using Emergency-Department data.

Personal Impact

The former Director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, said he had personal experience with the effects of addiction as a close family member has struggled with Opioids. Part of his understanding comes from seeing it not just as a public-health person and not just as a doctor. It is something that has impacted him on a personal level. 

“Stigma is the enemy of public health,” he said, adding that it is important to find “a path to destigmatize” Opioid use. 

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