Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinsons Disease is a disorder that gradually destroys cells in regions of the brain involved with moving the body. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes the most common form of the disease, which occurs chiefly in people age fifty to seventy. Some forms of the disease however, are caused by certain drugs and exposure to toxic levels of carbon monoxide.

People who suffer with Parkinson’s Disease have abnormally low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is the primary reason for their uncontrollable shaking.

Schizophrenia Link

During the 1960s researchers discovered that drugs used to treat schizophrenia lowered dopamine levels, often producing troublesome muscular tremors identical to the central symptom of Parkinson’s Disease. This led to the discovery that perhaps schizophrenia is related to excessive dopamine activity.

Parkinson’s Diease is treated with drugs called dopamine receptor argonists that behave like dopamine in the brain. Other drugs are used to prevent further brain cell and nerve damage. In some cases surgery and implant devices are used to deliver electrical pulses to certain areas of the brain.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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