Abnormal Internet Behavior

The internet and smartphone have become integral parts of our everyday lives with most people busy “surfing the net” at all hours of the day. Akin to being connected at the hip, this new tech partnership can and does detract from lifestyle balance, and from our personal relationships. It’s an insidious diversion beginning with checking email, upgrading software, seeing what’s on sale. Ten minutes here, ten minutes there, and so it goes.

An Immense Palette of Entertainment

Hundreds of millions of people – young and old – get drawn into browsing the internet across the world for many hours at a time instead of spending time with their families and partners. The main reason is because the internet offers an immense palette of entertainment that can satisfy almost any hunger. It’s like a virtual television, with a limitless number of channels to watch. A vast network of surrogate support is offered where ordinary people chat with supposed “friends” they’ve never met or take on new identities and personalities to hold conversations with complete strangers on social media.

Some young people crawl out of bed and perform first thing in the morning for their perceived video audiences. Young girls demonstrate their newest makeup techniques, comparing themselves to the first selfie taken when just waking up, while discussing their latest catastrophic relationships and trying on countless outfits to decide which best highlights their curves.

Pornography Running Rampant

To the casual observer, the internet almost seems like it was designed as a place meant for a collision between insecure, narcissistic, compulsive, extroverted (or so they pretend to be on their videos) people, with voyeuristic, sexually obsessive, and introverted people. It would be nearly impossible to expect any normal individual to not become seduced by the vast amount of soft and hard core pornography that is availalble online. Even brief viewing can cause the most puritan mind to envision a sexual fantasy with nearly anyone of the opposite sex who happens to be in a conversational mood within a chatroom, social media site, or app. Sexuality in all forms is not hidden away down some dark, back alley behind all lthe mainstream internet glitter. Sexuality is virtually everywhere on the internet.

Teenage Video Princesses Hungry for Attention

Modern internet-age teens are far more exposed to sexuality by a factor light years beyond that of their peers of just a couple of generations ago. Topics that were once hidden away and only whispered about are common and ordinary by today’s standards. Add to this a free-spirited uncensored environment, and inquisitive, hormone-raging and desperately lonely, self-hating, exhibitionistic, un-dated teenage video princesses who are hungry for attention, and we now have the makings for a very addictive, virtual, secret affair, at least in the privacy of their unsupervised bedrooms.

All too often the virtual affair is taken a step too far and becomes real. The under-age female agrees to meet the older Romeo, or the unsuspecting man arrives at the pre-arranged meeting place with great expectations only to be surrounded by law enforcement officers pointing guns. He is abruptly taken off to jail to face expensive criminal prosecution, prison time, loss of family and friends, life-altering embarrassment, ridicule, stigma and a lifetime of supervision.

Was all that abnormal internet behavior worth a criminal record? Of course not. Is it time to re-think what’s important, real, and what makes a lifestyle balanced?

Caution: Addictive Technology Marvel Ahead

The internet is a marvel of technological achievement that connects the whole worl instantly. However in many respects, it remains a dangerous mine field to the unsuspecting, both young and old. But it can be addicting. Abnormal internet behavior can be not only addicting but very illegal, while at the same time it can take a person away from the very real people that matter the most.

If you have or suspect that you have an abnormal internet behavior seek professional counseling or a support group in your area or consult our resources.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

Review our Knowledge Base or the links displayed on this page for similar and related topics.

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Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
National Clearing House for Alcohol and Drug Information
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)