A phobia is an irrational fear that disrupts normal behavior. Phobias center anxiety on a specific object, activity or situation. Many people live with this common psychological disorder but some specific phobias can lead to incapacitating efforts to avoid the feared situation. Most Common Disorder Anxiety disorders rank as theContinue Reading

Many people fear situations in which they can be observed, evaluated, criticized, embarrassed or humiliated by others. This leads them to avoid going to social events, eating out with others, speaking publicly, even such things as using public restrooms. When it’s impossible to avoid these types of situations, many peopleContinue Reading

Worrying is a natural response to the expectation of future problems. And it affects just about everyone to some degree. But worry can become a serious problem if it takes up most of your time. You have a problem with worry when you often feel anxious about a future event,Continue Reading

Phobias, types of anxiety disorders,  are intense, irrational fears that a person can’t shake off even when there is no real danger. People affected by phobias recognize that their fears are unreasonable but they cannot control them. Individuals affected by a Specific Phobia will go out of their way toContinue Reading

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an Anxiety Disorder affecting many people with recurring and unwanted thoughts, ideas, sensations or obsessions. These make them feel driven to perform repeated compulsive acts. Behaviors such as repetitive hand-washing, checking for locked doors and windows, or constantly checking for messages on smartphones are justContinue Reading

People who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are preoccupied with certain distressing thoughts, and feel compelled to perform certain extreme behaviors. People become obsessed with images or thoughts that force their way into a person’s awareness against a person’s will. These thoughts are so disturbing that they cause intenseContinue Reading

The term Repetition Compulsion was first coined by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the father of psychotherapy. The term is defined as a physical addiction to drama, stress, unhealthy situations or the re-enactment of victimization. In an updated 1989 summary, Dr. Bessel A. VanDerKock wrote an excellent study in his “The CompulsionContinue Reading

Habits are learned behaviors, or behavior patterns unlike instincts and motivations, that are embedded genetic traits. Habits are acquired by frequent use and repetition, as in an addiction or in swearing, for example that make up the structure of one’s personality. Primal vs Inherited Habits are dictated by these fourContinue Reading