Unfortunately sleep is often given a low priority in modern life, taking a back seat to our busy schedules and lifestyles. Yet sleep is as essential to good health as diet and exercise, and as necessary for survival as food and water. Complex Activity Sleep is a complex activity thatContinue Reading

Type A people tend to be extremely competitive and self critical. They constantly strive toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. Check the items that apply to you. Do You… Are You a Type A? If most of this list applies to you, youContinue Reading

Our bodies, like the ocean, have rhythmic tides that fluctuate, and are controlled by internal clocks. The biological clock that synchronizes the 24-hour cycle is called the Circadian Rhythm, from the Latin “circa” meanings “about” and “diem” meaning “day”. The rhythm of the day parallels the rhythm of life: wakingContinue Reading

Psychologists, researchers and dream theorists have a few explanations. Noted psychoanalyst Sigmud Freud (1856-1939) believed that dreams are a type of wish-fulfillment, and that dreams provide a psychic safety valve that discharges otherwise unacceptable feelings. Ambitions, desires and other content that would be threatening if expressed in the normal manner.Continue Reading

Serotonin is the brain chemical involved in mood disorders, anxiety, body temperature, appetite, and emotional euphoria. Low levels of Serotonin in women may make them more likely to become depressed while low levels of Serotonin in men is more likely to make them impulsive and aggressive. Increasing the level ofContinue Reading