Circle the “Stress Rating” number for events that pertain to you during the last year. Total your score. Being Raped 100Being accused of rape 100Discovering you are HIV positive 100Death of a close friend 97Death of a close family member 97Contracting a sexually transmitted diease 94Concerns about being pregnant 91FinalContinue Reading

When psychologists recommend learning to relax, they aren’t talking about laying on the sofa and watching a good movie on television. They are referring to regularly practicing one or more relaxation exercises that involve a combination of deep breathing and muscle relaxation techniques to release muscle tension. During these exerciseContinue Reading

Type A people tend to be extremely competitive and self critical. They constantly strive toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. Check the items that apply to you. Do You… Are You a Type A? If most of this list applies to you, youContinue Reading

Prolonged stress can result in physical illness. Your body’s immune system, which is regulated in part by the brain, mobilizes defenses – such as white blood cells – against invading microbes and diseases. Upsetting emotions and stress can affect the immune system and this increases susceptibility to disease (Miller, CohenContinue Reading

Our lives are filled with stress. Everyday living confronts us with a continuous stream of potentially stressful situations. From driving, school work, driving to work during morning rush hour, harsh weather, the daily struggle, relationships, to watching the latest terror attack, school shooting or lock-down on the nightly news. WhetherContinue Reading

Stress is an everyday fact of modern life and difficult to avoid. It attacks us environmentally through bad weather, pollution, traffic, noise and lockdowns. Stress is present in our schools (bullying), on the job, in our relationships, in our mailbox, in our personal economics, and in illness or loss ofContinue Reading