Usually, putting an unwanted thought out of your mind is a pretty easy task. It’s a fairly simple process of replacing the unwanted thought with another thought. We do this repeatedly all day long. This isn’t the case when a person has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The reason thatContinue Reading

Many Anxiety Disorders are intertwined. If your anxiety symptoms are severe enough, they may fall within a specific category. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Hyperarousal, symptoms of heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping, sweaty palms and continuing irritability, to name a few, often lead to Panic Attacks. More Intense Symptoms Panic AttacksContinue Reading

People who are highly anxious and experience sudden Panic Attacks may experience chest pain, a racing heart, dizziness, choking, feelings of unreality, trembling or fear of losing control. Many people believe they are having a heart attack, are going insane, or about to die.  Sinking Ship To get a betterContinue Reading