Stress Disorders occur when people experience events or situations by repeatedly reliving them. They affect many combat veterans, prisoners of war, hostages, victims of terrorism, torture, violence, rape, domestic violence, or people who may have witnessed a death or serious injury (Brown & Barlow, 2007). Symptoms Symptoms of Stress DisordersContinue Reading

Four out of ten people frequently experience stress (Saad, 2001), recently a much greater number however. Stress is a process by which we perceive and respond to certain events called stressors, that we size up as threatening or challenging. Therefore, stress is not just a stimulus, but rather a processContinue Reading

Type A people tend to be extremely competitive and self critical. They constantly strive toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. Check the items that apply to you. Do You… Are You a Type A? If most of this list applies to you, youContinue Reading

Prolonged stress can result in physical illness. Your body’s immune system, which is regulated in part by the brain, mobilizes defenses – such as white blood cells – against invading microbes and diseases. Upsetting emotions and stress can affect the immune system and this increases susceptibility to disease (Miller, CohenContinue Reading

Hundreds of experiments and studies done over many years reveal how the nervous and endocrine systems influence the immune system (Sternberg, 2001). Two forms of white blood cells called Lymphocytes are part of this system. B Lymphocytes fight bacterial infections and are formed in the bone marrow. T Lymphocytes formContinue Reading

Before 1900, Coronary Heart Disease was an infrequent killer, but by 1950 it became the leading cause of death throughout North America, and remains so today. In addition to hypertension and family history, many behavioral and physiological factors, such as smoking, obesity, a high fat diet, physical inactivity and anContinue Reading