Stress Response System

Our bodies respond to stress with a two-prong system. The first system, the sympathetic nervous system, prompts the release of the stress hormones Epinephrine and Norepinephrine from nerve endings in the inner part of the Adrenal glands. The second system is the Cerebral Cortex, which works through the Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands, to manage the release of Glucocorticoid stress hormones from the outer part of the Adrenal glands. Both systems set off fight-or-flight physiological responses in our bodies, like more rapid breathing. Our heart beats faster thereby diverting blood to the muscles. Arteries widen, our muscles tense, and our lungs expand and work harder. Adrenal glands release stress hormones such as the Cortisol and digestion shuts down.

The Woman’s Way

There are alternatives however. One is simply to withdraw, pull back and conserve energy. Another, especially among women is to seek and give support, “tend and befriend” (Taylor et al, 2000).

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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