Substance Abuse and Pregnancy

When people abuse drugs or alcohol they begin to notice small physical changes. Some subtle signs include sudden weight change, slurred speech, facial puffiness and bloodshot eyes. As the months go by, illness becomes more frequent. Small unexplained bruises and abrasions appear. The individual becomes accident prone, both in and outside of their residence, as they are flirting with serious medical problems such as strokes, heart attacks and diseases such as Aids and Hepatitis.

Mother and Unborn Child Both at Risk

Many young women fail to consider these physical changes in light of possible complications due to pregnancy. The mixture of drugs, alcohol, lower inhibitions and sex is the perfect heart-wrenching scenario.

Now the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse affect both the mother and her unborn child, who is now at a very high risk of premature birth. There is a potential of the baby having FASD – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, birth defects, low birth weight, and a greater risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Later behavior and learning problems can linger throughout a child’s lifetime.

Future Baby Also in Danger

The urban baby is at the mercy of the mother’s lifestyle, even if the woman is not yet pregnant. The effects of the drugs and alcohol lifestyle will find their way to the future baby.

If you are a young woman, it is time to make some decisions and maybe some drastic lifestyle changes. If you are already pregnant, tell your physician about your drug and alcohol use before it is too late. Your baby’s future is at stake

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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