The Human Sex Drive

Most biological drives work similarly to hunger. However many psychologists do not believe sex is a primary motive, because sex (contrary to personal experience) is not necessary for individual survival, while hunger is. Sex is, however, necessary for survival of the species.

Animal Fertility Cycles

In most lower mammals, females (other than humans) are only interested in mating when they are fertile. This is when their fertility cycle is in the stage of estrus or “heat” caused by a release of estrogen into the bloodstream. In contrast to females, the typical male animal is almost always ready to mate, and is easily aroused by the actions and scent of a ready female. Therefore mating is closely tied to female fertility cycles in many species.

Sex Sells

The sex drive in humans is entirely different. For example, the pleasure we take in eating isn’t necessarily caused by hunger. Sometimes we eat just for the pleasure of tasting something delicious. We don’t eat ice cream because we are hungry. We eat it just for the pleasure. Similarly, the sex drive in humans can be aroused at any time by almost anything. There is almost no clear relationship to the amount of time since the sex drive was last satisfied. And certainly, the desire may increase as time progresses, but recent sexual activity does not hinder sexual arousal. In addition, some people may seek to arouse their sex drive while others seek to reduce or avoid arousal. This unusual quality makes the human sex drive capable of motivating a wide range of behaviors and helps explain why sex is used to sell virtually everything imaginable.

Wide Sexual Variations

During the 1940s, university biologist Alfred Kinsey had difficulty answering his students’ questions about people’s sexual practices. He and his associates set out to find answers. He published his research results and shocked his 1940s audience. His statistics-filled books became best sellers. Readers discovered that most men and nearly half the women involved in the research were having premarital sex. Kinsey’s books also revealed enormously varied sexual behavior. Some participants never experienced orgasm, while others experienced four or more per day. Other studies showed wide variations in “normal” sexual behavior around the world.

Given the wide range of sex drives and sexual behaviors, it is not at all surprising that these variations exist on the internet. As it happens the internet appears to be merely a reflection of human characteristics.

Sex vs. Hunger

Many similar studies have been published since Kinsey’s work. Masters and Johnson published their equally detailed reports during the 1960s. Recent studies include PET and functional MRI studies of people during orgasm and brain responses during sex.

While hunger and sex are different types of motivation, there are similarities. Both depend on internal physiological causes, and both are motivated by external and imagined turn-ons.

It’s hard to pass up a freshly glazed donut.

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