Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is the pathological preoccupation with an imagined or exaggerated defect in one’s physical appearance. The struggle with self-image, self-esteem, and self-love affects boys and girls alike. Common Signs and Symptoms Preoccupation with your physical appearace with extreme self-consciousness. Frequent examination of yourself in the mirror, orContinue Reading

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) has received the most research to date of the new classiciation of obsessive-compulsive related disorders. People with body dysmorphic disorder are preoccupied with the belief that they have a particular body defect or flaw. In reality, the perceived flaw is usually imagined or greatly exaggerated inContinue Reading

Norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline, is the chemical cousin of Dopamine. It is important in sexual arousal and sexual memory and is similar to Epinephrine (or Adrenaline). It is found throughout the brain and can act as a stress hormone, directing response to such things as flight, fear, anxiety, panic,Continue Reading

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that literally means “fear of the marketplace.” It describes a person who is afraid of leaving ‘safe’ spaces (such as their homes) for fear of experiencing something embarrassing or even unmanageable. This is an anxiety attack. An Agoraphobic person might refuse to go outside becauseContinue Reading

Cacodemonia is defined in physchology as a pathological belief in which the patient is convinced they are inhabited or possessed by a wicked entity or evil spirit. In Plato’s Greece, “daemons” were often invisible and were believed to be constituted of material unlike human or animal. They could be goodContinue Reading

People with social phobia have a strong persistent fear of being with or associating with unfamiliar people or complete strangers. They will go out of their way to try to avoid situations where they might meet new people at business or social events. They would rather not be required toContinue Reading

People can be afraid of almost anything. We can be afraid of the truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, even afraid of each other, observed Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882). Why Are We So Afraid?  We learn fear as a child. Children learn from their falls and near-falls and becomeContinue Reading

Animals – Zoophobia Beards – Pagonophobia Being Afraid – Phobophobia Blood – Hemotophobia Books – Bibliophobia Churches – Ecclesiaphobia Corpses – Necrophobia Crossing A Bridge – Gephyrophobia Crowds – Ochlophobia Computers – Cyberphobia Darkness – Achluophobia, Nyctophobia Demons or Devils – Demonophobia Dogs – Cynophobia Dolls – Pediophobia Drugs –Continue Reading

Social Nonconformity is characterized as atypical behavior or nonconformity that may underlie some psychological disorders. Social Nonconformity refers to disobeying public standards for acceptable conduct. Extreme nonconformity can lead to destructive or self-destructive behavior. Examples to consider might be a drug abuser or a prostitute. However, we must be carefulContinue Reading