Hormones and the endocrine system play an important role in women’s health every month. These biological and reproductive factors may be a partial reason that women throughout the world suffer from depression nearly twice as much as men. Women experience a higher rate of depression during pregnancy, after childbirth, andContinue Reading

Adjustment Disorders occur when ordinary stress pushes people beyond their limits, causing an inability to cope with life. During the last century, the term “nervous breakdown” was used to describe people suffering from anxiety-based problems that caused them misery. Actually, the term “nervous breakdown” never had a formal meaning.  However,Continue Reading

The word “hormone” finds its root origin within the ancient Greek work “horman” meaning to impel or set in motion, or to excite and stimulate. Hormones are chemical substances secreted into the blood stream by special glands located throughout our body, and comprise the complex endocrine system. Hormones are essentialContinue Reading