
Emotions are intense feelings such as love, hate, fear, happiness and so forth. Emotional disorders play a large part in psychotherapy and are seen more as symptoms of underlying problems. Our faces can reveal our inner emotional state but the emotions responsible for these involuntary expressions are more powerful than first thought. 

Difficult to Hide

Researcher Psul Ekman has studied non-verbal behavior and facial expressions by photographing people, both in developed and undeveloped countries, and has learned that facial expressions are universal products of human evolution. Ekman developed the six basic human emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise. He found that jungle tribes people could interpret facial expressions as well as anyone in developed countries. He theorized that emotions are an important part of psychological make-up, and facial expressions linked to these emotions are involuntary. We react automatically to things that cause these emotional responses. Reactions can override some of our most fundamental drives (disgust can override hunger). Emotions are powerful and difficult to hide or to hold back, like a runaway train.

It’s All in the Trigger

In Ekman’s book, “Emotions Revealed” (2003), he states that emotions can be more powerful than Freudian drives of sex, hunger, or even the will to live. Understanding emotions helps to overcome some mental disorders. We might not be able to control our emotions but we may be able to make changes to the things that trigger them and the behavior they lead to.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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