Is Screen Time Bad Time For Kids?

Several large studies show that use of digital media devices beyond two hours a day of free time, and especially beyond four hours a day is correlated with more depression and unhappiness in teens, according to a recent Wall Street Journal Report (June 24, 2018).

Compromised Well-Being

The article went on to report that higher levels of use are enough to displace time spent on more meaningful experiences such as face-to-face interaction. It is also well-documented that digital media, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. can displace or disrupt sleep. That alone could explain the link with compromised well-being.

Kids Growing Up Less Happy

There is an increasing amount of research showing an association between adolescent unhappiness and the time spent on digital media.

Researcher and author Jean Twenge said that kids are growing up less happy and completely unprepared for adulthood. Large amounts of time spent on any digital media are linked to more unhappiness, depression and anxiety.

What is less clear, the article goes on to say, is whether screen time is causing mental health problems or if children with worse mental health spend more time with digital media.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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