
If you never had a lasting, healthy relationship it may have been partly because of your inability to change or adjust your attitude. It is also possible that you have never been exposed to healthy relationships. Today’s single-parent families, abusive relationships and fast-paced television sitcom relationships don’t teach what is necessary to cultivate a healthy, loving relationship.

Learn from Unhealthy Relationships

However, when thinking about establishing a serious relationship, it is useful to examine unhealthy ones in which you were involved, are presently involved in, or that you may be close to and in a position to observe and learn from their mistakes.

Taking an honest look at the attitudes that you and others demonstrate in these relationships as well as how damaging personality types torpedo them, making you wonder what happened, will help you begin to understand what makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy.

Increasing Trust

You are invited to review our knowledge base on positive attitudes and pay close attention to humility, caring, honesty, and responsibility. By demonstrating these positive attitudes you will increase the level of trust in your relationships.

Positive attitudes lead to healthy relationships. When you consistently demonstrate positive attitudes you increase your opportunities to experience healthy relationships, an important aspect of building lifestyle balance.

Healthy relationships also strengthen your emotional health and enlarge your circle of friends with whom you can pursue common interests and activities.

Personality Types

Everyone in a relationship plays a role whether you know it or not, but you may not know that certain personality patterns can doom a relationship before it ever gets going or worse, after you have tied the knot!

There are three personality types or patterns that can cause serious problems in any relationship. We will refer to them as: The Dominator, The Neglector and The Manipulator. Don’t be surprised to find some of all three patterns in certain individuals.

The Dominator

The Dominator feels the need to constantly be in charge, to make the rules, arrangements, reservations etc., without any input from others, usually without any compromise. It’s their way or the highway.

If you have taken on this role in the relationship, applying the attitudes of humility, open-mindedness and caring will help adjust your expectations. It will help you share the decision-making and cause you to stop and listen to your partner’s feelings, ideas and concerns. 

The Neglector

The Neglector types put their own ideas and wants ahead of the basic responsibilities in the relationship. 

If you have taken on this role, it is important for you to think about how you have put your own needs first, and how this reckless, irresponsible behavior puts your partner, and perhaps, your children or other family members at risk. Responsible spouses, partners and parents put the other members of the family first, and show legitimate concern for their well-being.

The Manipulator

The Manipulator is crafty at exploiting others for their own gain. They can be so expert at “conning” others that their manipulation is natural, well-practiced and practically 2nd nature to them. They may even be unaware of what they are doing. The Manipulator will often lie when they are questioned, and it is common for them to have more than one partner – lying to both about any other relationships.

If you have taken on this role in the relationship it is crucial to practice honesty above all else. 

Being a partner in a healthy relationship comes with many responsibilities and you will experience many rewards, including lifestyle balance.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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