Adjustment Disorders

Adjustment Disorders occur when ordinary stress pushes people beyond their limits, causing an inability to cope with life. During the last century, the term “nervous breakdown” was used to describe people suffering from anxiety-based problems that caused them misery. Actually, the term “nervous breakdown” never had a formal meaning.  However, the problem that is defined as Adjustment Disorder does come fairly close to a “breakdown”.

People suffering from Adjustment Disorders may be extremely irritable, anxious or depressed, have trouble sleeping, lose their appetite, and suffer from a variety of physical ailments.

Anxiety-Based Problems

Adjustment Disorders usually disappear when the person’s problems end or improve.  Whereas people suffering from an anxiety disorder seem to generate their own misery – no matter what is actually going on in their life. They feel they must be on guard against future threats that could happen at any time.

People suffering from anxiety-based problems may be miserable but they rarely experience a “breakdown.”  Often, problems can be relieved by rest, sedation, counseling, and a chance to talk through their fears and anxiety.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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