
Medulla – The Hindbrain is located close to the spinal cord. Its primary job is to keep us alive and to coordinate movement. It has three subdivisions. At the base of the brain where it meets the spinal cord is the deepest part of the hindbrain. This is the subdivision named Medulla. The medulla is responsible for maintaining our vital functions such as breathing and pumping blood through our organs.

Pons – Our next subdivision just above the medulla is the Pons. The pons helps coordinate voluntary movement.

Cerebellum – Tucked behind and interconnected with the Pons is our third subdivision named the Cerebellum. The cerebellum has many folds and sits like a little brain clustered underneath the back of the brain. The cerebellum coordinates involuntary movement, balance and posture, and may have some role in emotions.

These three regions make up the deepest part of our brain, the Hindbrain. What these regions do is very important. Their functions and connections are locked, and have limited flexibility. Damage to this region can be fatal.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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