The oldest, most ancient part of our human brain is known as the R-Complex or “The Reptilian Brain.” Most people have no idea of the human body’s reptilian heritage and its continued overall influence on our behavior. In fact, all mammals have this reptilian part of the brain, which represents a core of the nervous system. Located at the base of the brain at the floor of the forebrain, The Reptilian Brain was the name given by Neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean in the 1960s. It originates from the mammal-like reptilian once found all over the world two hundred million years ago.
Reptilian Traits
A number of basic human traits originate from our Reptilian Brain. Behaviors such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), the feeling of responsibility, out adherence to our personal, day-to-day rituals and superstitious acts, our determination to do things in the same old way (habits), like going to the same supermarket on the same day every week, and having the same meals on the same days, our obsession with ceremonial re-enactments, our deceptive behavior, and our territoriality (this is mine, keep away). It is the source of our aggression, our superiority complex and our cold-blooded behavior.
A Divided Brain
The human brain has a left and right hemisphere, which are connected by a mass of nerve fibers. The left side is the rational, logical and intellectual side. It works closely with our physical senses and can be summed up by, can I touch and feel it, see it, hear it smell it or taste it? Therefore it must exist. The right hemisphere is a little different. It is where we manifest imagination, instincts, intuition, and the creative inspiration inside all of us. It communicates by imagery and symbols and is closely related to the R-Complex.
Right-Brain Manipulation
Unfortunately, humans are constantly manipulated by being fed images to our right-brain. This is why advertising works so well. We see an attractive person with a beautiful smile, and we’re told it is because of a certain brand of tooth paste. This may or may not be true. During childhood, our mental state is controlled and manipulated by television shows, movies and music, and continues throughout most of our lives.
Critical Thinking Is Critical
It is critical to think for ourselves, and determine the correct answers instead of being spoon-fed. Our constant diet of mass communications, internet activity and visual imagery possess a serious threat to human equilibrium.
This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.
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