Be Yourself

Sometimes life can be a little overwhelming. Here’s a short list of do’s and dont’s to help you sort out your daily life. Write them in your notebook or calendar.

Focus on yourself. Every time you allow your thoughts to dwell on something or someone else you escape and miss an opportunity to have a happier day.

Let it go. Life is filled with what ifs and shoulds. Accepting reality is accepting the things you can’t change.

Trust yourself. Putting your trust in others adds up to disappointment for you sooner or later.

Honor your feelings. Your feelings matter. Don’t ignore them.

Be yourself. Remember that you are unique. Your true self is what matters. Self-realization requires living mindfully.

Don’t react. Listen, think and feel before you react to someone or something.

Don’t rush. Remember, easy does it. Pressuring yourself makes life harder and less enjoyable.

Don’t worry. Worrying never accomplishes anything, and fretting feeds your fears. Lighten up.

Don’t withdraw. People tend to isolate themselves when they get depressed or feel pain. Try to surround yourself with happy people.

Don’t be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, even Michelangelo made a few. Take a deep breath and relax.

… to thine own self be true.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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