Healthy families can be viewed almost the same way as a living human being with the individual family members as different body parts, all contributing and relying on each other. The loving, happy parents establish the tone, cooperation and communication within the family. Through their behavior and communication, they teach their children how to think, solve problems, make intelligent decisions, avoid or resolve conflicts, determine what behavior is acceptable or tolerated, which is rewarded, and which is not. Children are taught what authority figures can be believed and trusted, how to meet their own needs, which ways to have their needs met by others (and the wrong ways), to understand their authentic self has value and purpose, and to be aware that thoughts often cause certain feelings that will have consequences.
Communication Makes for a Healthy Family
What makes a family healthy is its communication, its freedom of expression, open-mindedness, flexibility, and adaptability. Healthy families can weather any storm or crisis, because they are united. They are receptive to new ideas and confident they can adjust to any new circumstance. As a result their self-esteem is very high.
Cultivating an Authentic Self
Healthy families are open and honest, and consequently free to express their authentic self. They are able to discuss things they might hear, see, feel, and think. This openness allows for greater understanding of an issue or topic. There aren’t any subjects that are off-limits or forbidden to be talked about. An individual’s failures or weaknesses aren’t hidden or ridiculed, but openly discussed and any help is automatically given where needed.
Dissent within a healthy family is embraced, never silenced. Family matters and decisions are openly discussed, with options freely debated. While sibling rivalry may exist, verbal abuse is never tolerated. Physical abuse is forbidden and not all behavior is permissible.
Fairness and Respect
Equality is the common denominator within an atmosphere of fairness and respect. Parents treat each other as equals, setting an example for their children. Everyone pitches in and helps with the household chores. Personal time is allotted for parent time, homework and hobbies, without any interruptions if requested. Children are taught to listen and be attentive as a sign of giving respect, even if they don’t completely understand. They know that it builds their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Home Made Apple Pie for All
Healthy families have rules that are for everyone and adhered to by all, with reasonable and flexible exceptions. Everyone is aware that rules have a purpose, with everyone’s safety the prime concern. Children are never told they are “bad” nor is love and affection cruelly withheld – an act which is detrimental to a child’s development. Consequences are fair and never harsh. The only addiction is perhaps the home made apple pie.
These are the elements of a healthy, happy and loving family, and one that you might compare your own with to see if any improvements are necessary.
This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.
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