The Cardiac Personality

People with Type A personalities are generally ambitious, competitive and hard working. They strive for sucess. Although many people who have some or all of these traits aren’t necessarity susceptible to coronary heart problems, and not all heart attack victims have Type A personalities.

The Real Culprit

While numerous research studies going back to the 1950s have shown a relationship between the Type A Personality type and hypertension, more recent studies suggest the real culprit behind the increased risk of heart disease is more likely related to anger and hostility. Some Type A personalities do however tend to be easily aroused to anger or hostility. When this is expressed outwardly it may also involve aggression and possibly bullying (Forshaw, 2012). Hostility appears to be the main factor linked to heart disease.

Reducing Health Risks

If you believe that you have a Type A personality along with anger or hostile tendencies, what can you do to reduce your health risks? Some experts suggest that steps can be taken to change your personality. Effective stress management techniques can help you better cope with daily life or job stress. Learning how to manage feelings of anger and hostility can also help. Maintaining healthy behaviors like exercise, mindful relaxation and focusing on the positive can reduce negative health outcomes that are linked to stress, anger and anxiety.

Are You a Worrywart?

If you are a worrywart you can also develop health risks. Find ways to control your thoughts and replace negative emotions with more positive ones. Build your social support network. A strong social network is another way to lower potential health risks. Understanding your personality is another great way to help determine what sort of changes you need to focus on.

The Cardiac Personality Type A

  • Hard-Driving, Ambitious
  • Highly Competitive
  • Achievement Oriented
  • Believe they can overcome any obstacle.
  • Time Urgency
  • Chronic Anger
  • Hostility
  • Chafe at normal pace of events
  • Hurry from one activity to another
  • Racing the clock
  • Self-imposed urgency
  • Consistent state of frustration/anger
  • Anger & hostile feelings are strongly related to heart attack
  • Study found 15% of 25-year-old doctors and lawyers who scored high on hostility test were dead by age 50.
  • Bottled up anger and don’t let it out (this increases pulse rate).

How to Reduce Stress Threat

  • Stop mistrustng the motives of others
  • Reduce how often you feel anger
  • Learn to be kinder and more considerate

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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