Anger Myths

Before we can work on our own anger issues, here are a few myths to help you understand what anger is and what it isn’t.

Males are angrier than females. The reality is that females get just as angry as males but females stay angry for longer periods while males are more intense.

Anger is a bad thing. Anger actually serves positive purposes. It helps us cope with stress. It gives us energy. It is a way of improving communication and our self-esteem by standing up for your opinion.

Anger is a good thing. Anger is quite negative when it leads to violence, injury, property damage, substance abuse, self-injury and destroying relationships.

People get angrier the older we get. Actually this is quite backwards. As people grow older, they become mellower. Young people are for more angry and vocal.

Anger is only a problem when you actively express it. Very few people actually act on their anger. Less than ten percent. The other ninety percent merely express their anger or hold it inside. Repressed anger can be harmful and should be worked out by jogging, exercising, gardening, dancing or other anger management activity.

Anger is all in your mind. Actually, anger is a very physical feeling that affects your heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, and blood sugar levels. Your stomach gets upset, the hairs on the back of your neck respond, even your body temperature rises.

Anger is about getting even. Anger is used mostly as a way of being assertive, gaining control or showing independence – as well as to stroke our own ego – not necessarily to get even or even to win. Revenge might be a better description. Sometimes it is used for burning off steam.

Only certain people have a problem with anger. Conceivably, everyone can have a problem with anger and can benefit greatly from anger management techniques.

Anger comes from human conflict. Actually people can get angry for almost any reason. From having their personal space violated, traffic congestion, being over-charged, poor service, to having their favorite team lose an important game.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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