Psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937), a founder of modern psychology, recognized that just like with people with an Inferiority Complex, equally unbalanced Superiority Complexes are demonstrated by a constant need to strive toward goals. When each goal is attained, the individual is left feeling unfulfilled, and confidence is not built. ThisContinue Reading

Antisocial Personality Disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is the most troubling and researched personality disorder, in which a person usually lacks a conscience of wrong-doing – even toward friends and family members. This person is often impulsive, selfish, dishonest, emotionally shallow, poorly socialized, often incapable of feeling shame, fear, loyalty orContinue Reading

Adjustment Disorders occur when ordinary stress pushes people beyond their limits, causing an inability to cope with life. During the last century, the term “nervous breakdown” was used to describe people suffering from anxiety-based problems that caused them misery. Actually, the term “nervous breakdown” never had a formal meaning.  However,Continue Reading

Type A people tend to be extremely competitive and self critical. They constantly strive toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. Check the items that apply to you. Do You… Are You a Type A? If most of this list applies to you, youContinue Reading

According to psychoanalyst Erik Erikson (1902-1994), during the fifth stage of human development – adolescent through young adult years – we struggle with identity issues. This is the time when we develop a sense of who we are, i.e., our self-image. In many cases it becomes “self-images.”  New Problems ConfusedContinue Reading