Assess your own level of self-esteem by honestly answering these questions. Think about how you feel most of the time. If you answered most of these questions by checking “yes,” your self-esteem could probably use a tune-up. If you answered most of these questions by checking “yes,” you probably haveContinue Reading

How we feel about ourselves is very important. And its importance in psychology dates back over 125 years. The father of psychology William James (1842-1910), devoted more than 100 pages to the toipic of self in his book “Principles of Psychology” (1890). Today, the self is one of western psychology’sContinue Reading

The idea of the Neurotic Self was introduced by psychoanalyst Karen Horney (1885-1952). She put forth the theory that the neurotic self is split between an “idealized self” and a “real self,” and that unhealthy or “toxic,” social environments are likely to create unhealthy belief systems – hindering people fromContinue Reading

Self-blaming is simply finding fault with yourself. To hold yourself responsible for your actions when bad things happen to you. Ordinarily this would be an admirable quality. Knowing that you did something wrong is a useful lesson learned, so as not to repeat the same mistake. Guilt and self-blaming keepsContinue Reading

According to Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), our psyche resembles an iceberg, with the area of primitive drives, the Id, lying hidden in the unconscious. The Ego interacts with conscious thoughts and regulates both the Id and the Superego – our critical judging voice. The Id The Id, is formed of innate,Continue Reading