Getting in touch with your emotions is a giant step towards emotional healing. Very few people are ever taught about the nature of emotions. As a result we learn about them and how to manage them only through experience.
Some people or things can upset or irritate us. You see a friend or relative who makes you anxious. You may feel hurt if you aren’t included in an activity, or you get angry when things don’t go your way. We grow up with our emotions, but they are rarely ever explained by our patents or teachers, and we are rarely taught how to manage them.
The Hide and Block Strategy
Many people try to hide or block uncomfortable or painful emotions. While this approach may be an easy way of managing in the short term, making a habit of this strategy is not recommended. Emotions can burst out suddenly and unexpectedly. Repressed emotions can cause long-term, psychological issues. Unresolved emotional issues can lie just beneath the surface of your consciousness, ready to shock you. When an event reminds you of an old painful experience it can trigger a flood of old forgotten emotions.
Most people are just too busy to think about how they are feeling. They go through the day brushing aside hurt feelings, anxiety, disappointment or frustration – all common emotions. Fortunately you are making time now.
Try This at Home
The following exercise will help you familiarize yourself with the wide range of your emotions. Some you will experience more than others. This exercise is only for your benefit. So don’t try to rationalize or justify them. Simply mark each emotion with how often you experience them by entering a 4 for often, a 3 for frequently, 2 for sometimes, or 1 for rarely.
This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.
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