Depression and Exercise

Many research studies suggest that exercise actually alleviates depression. As little as fifteen to twenty minutes of exercise every other day is a great way to start an exercise program, Depending on your age, health, and body type, this slow approach may be just right to get off your couch or out of bed – at least for a short time.

We All Like Endorphins

Research also shows that exercise stimulates endorphin production in the brain. This reduces pain and induces a heightened feeling of pleasure and well-being. Endorphins act similarly to opiates in the brain, in that they produce the same kind of ‘high’ in the pleasure center as cocaine – only legally and safely.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Exercise not only lowers depression levels, it also improves your cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of diabetes, improves cholesterol levels, burns calories and strengthens muscles. Even light to moderate exercise rids your body of excess adrenaline that causes anxiety and stress. It also enhances the immune system and keeps your brain young by neutralizing toxic substances.

While endorphins can provide a temporary lift to your mood and well-being, studies show that depression actually hinders the production of endorphins which contribute to a low mood.

Hibernation Can Be Inviting

We understand completely that debilitating depression makes a person want to withdraw, hibernate and isolate themselves. Just getting out of bed can be tough. You would rather curl up in a ball on the couch or pull the blankets over your head and be left alone. We know how difficult just ordinary everyday life can be. And your thoughts tell you that you can’t possibly begin a schedule of exercising.

I Can’t Get Up

We believe it is possible. Try this simple experiment. While you are curled up on the couch or sitting in a comfy chair, say out loud “I can’t get up.” Now say it again but say it more forcefully “I CAN’T GET UP.” Now say it again over ten times just like that. When you are finished just stand up straight and tall.

Thoughts Are Just Thoughts

We hope you actually stood up, proving that negative thoughts are just thoughts, and can be overcome. Proving that you can get up from the couch doesn’t mean that you can start exercising today. But you can start by doing little things like taking a walk in the back yard or a nearby park when you use your cell phone. Park a little further away from the entrance to the super market. Walk up the stairs whenever you can.

A Good Start

This is a good start for your exercise program. You aren’t competing with anyone. Set aside ten or fifteen minutes every few days to take a nice walk. Find a hill and try walking up. If you have a bicycle, and are able, dust it off and ride it around the block. 

The goal isn’t to enter 10k races. The goal is to add five minutes to your exercise routine each week. Within a few weeks you might want to try aerobic exercise to improve your oxygen intake and cardiovascular system. Aerobic exercise will have a positive effect on your health and mood.

Build Stamina

There are many aerobic DVDs available. Start slow and build your stamina. Later, try jogging outside and look into yoga and meditation classes at your local YMCA.

Exercise, yoga and meditation will not only help lower your depression, it will stimulate endorphin production making you feel much better.

Always check with your doctor, if you are in doubt, before starting an exercise program, especially if you are overweight, over 40 years of age or have health problems. Also, consult your doctor if you experience any pain, nausea or dizziness.

Help a Family Member

If you have a family member or friend who is suffering from depression, encourage them to exercise and even participate with them.

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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