Listen to Your Children

Parents often neglect or are too busy to listen carefully to their children. Plus it is practically an art to listen to children because their vocabulary and general verbal skills are limited. In addition they have little experience communicating their ideas and thoughts.

Parents should encourage and make time for conversation with their kids as often as possubke, After all, they will only be children for a short time.

Be Patient With Them

I takes much longer for children to find the right words. They may repeat a word or phrase over and over while they attempt to continue with their thought. As difficult as it will be, don’t finish their sentences for them or attempt to guess what they are going to say next, no matter how badly you want to. Let them work their brain to find the right words. Be respectful of their opinions without offering your own or better ones.

Peas or Carrots?

Make a daily habit of asking for their opinion and advice. Pay attention to the child’s non-verbal communication that reflects and validates their opinion. There are many questions you can ask your child to spark their imagination and problem solving abilities. This can be as simple as asking them “peas or carrots?”

This report is not a diagnosis. We hope this information can guide you toward improving your life.

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