We breathe automatically, usually without giving it much thought, but by actually giving thought to our breathing we can begin practicing Mindfulness. Mindfulness begins with simple awareness, paying attention to your experience from moment to moment. Powerful Exercise Mindful breathing is a simple, but powerful exercise. Begin by laying flatContinue Reading

When psychologists recommend learning to relax, they aren’t talking about laying on the sofa and watching a good movie on television. They are referring to regularly practicing one or more relaxation exercises that involve a combination of deep breathing and muscle relaxation techniques to release muscle tension. During these exerciseContinue Reading

The word “should” is used all too often. In prior years we would hear people say they wished they had a dollar everytime they heard it. But what’s so wrong about the way we use it? When using the word properly, “should” is meant to convey an expectation of anContinue Reading

Before anyone can choose to act differently, they must accept the world on its terms and then consider the options. Acceptance is an acknowledgement of what is. That doesn’t mean being passively resigned to feeling hopeless. Acceptance is a very positive step toward taking charge of one’s life and responsibilities.Continue Reading

Acceptance is the willingness to be open-minded, being free and flexible without having rigidly fixed pre-conditions. It is the opposite of being reluctant to look at something in a new way. Put another way, not having acceptance can cause you to find fault with literally everything around you – includingContinue Reading

The word Meditation comes from the same Tibetan verbal root as “habituate” or “familiarize.” In English, it means to contemplate or ponder. So in meditation we attempt to habituate ourselves to valuable ways of viewing ourselves and the surrounding world. We also seek to familiarize ourselves with, or contemplate anContinue Reading

By Isha Sadhguru Everyone aspires to success. Have you ever felt that it comes more easily to some than to others? If you have always felt success is elusive, perhaps it’s time to try something new. Here are 10 tips for success mantras from Sadhguru that are useful tips inContinue Reading

It is important to appreciate all of those people who have taught and helped you throughout your life. With their help you developed skills that you might not otherwise have had. Appreciate all those things you used to take for granted. Your family, all of your friends and neighbors, theContinue Reading

Most people are not living in the here and now. They may be sitting at their desk, working in a shop, or doing their laundry, but chances are their minds are somewhere else. They may be thinking about weekend plans, a conversation they had yesterday, or what to eat forContinue Reading