“We deem those happy
who from the experience of life
have learnt to bear its ills without
being overcome by them.”

Carl Jung

Illness, Pain And Somatic Disorders

Numerous studies have convinced medical and clinical researchers that psychological factors, such as stress, worry, and perhaps even subconscious needs can contribute in many ways to bodily illness.

It is well known that psychological disorders frequently have physical cause. Abnormal neurotransmitter activity, for example, contributes to generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It therefore is not surprising that psychological factors can produce physical problems.

The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) DSM-5 lists a number of psychological disorders where bodily symptoms are a primary feature of the disorder. These include: Factitious Disorder, a person’s less than honest description of physical ailments; Somatic Symptom Disorder in which people become disproportionately disturbed by various bodily symptoms; Illness Anxiety Disorder, an abnormal concern that a person is seriously ill despite the absence of bodily symptoms; and psychological factors affecting medical condition, i.e., any number of disorders that adversely affect a person’s general health, as in Sleep Disorders.

Are you or a loved-one struggling with a life-changing illness?

The following articles may be helpful.

Life Changing Diseases

Wellness, Positive Psychology


Health Promoting Conditions



Stress and Susceptibility to Disease

Caregiver Struggles with Alzheimer’s

Successful Aging

Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Do you find that you have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning?

The following articles may be of help.

How Much Sleep Do We Need?

Understanding Sleep

Sleep Disorders

Sleep Test


Emotional Survey

Finding Emotional Balance

Adrenal Fatigue

What is Anxiety?



Exam and Test Anxiety: How to Cope

Relationship Warning Signs

How Happy Are You at Work?

Diet and Eating Disorders

Many people in the United States are nearly as obsessed with how much they eat as they are with the nutritional value. Both of these are extremely intelligent and rational approaches to eating. What is so unusual is that during the last three decades, while millions of people are getting trimmer, healthier and fit, we have also observed an increase in two disorders that have at their core an intense fear of weight gain.

People, primarily girls and women, are so convinced that they need to lose weight that they inadvertently starve themselves to death. Anorexia Nervosa often begins with puberty in an effort to lose a few extra pounds. First, by cutting out a few sweets and fattening snacks, but soon includes eliminating other foods and important nourishment. Some induce vomiting to purge the unwanted foods. Some move on to binge eating and purging – equally dangerous – resulting in dangerously low body weight.

Bulimia Nervosa, the binge-purge syndrome, again primarily by girls and women, is eating to excess much more than an average person would eat, only to then purge or use laxatives, also to excess. The weight with these individuals stays relatively normal or within an acceptable range, but they become severely under nourished, often accompanied by Amenorrhea, mood swings, self-blaming and guilt.

How to Manage Your Diet

(c) Isha Sadhguru, The Isha Foundation. Used with permission.

A healthy, nutrious diet is essential for proper body and psychological functioning.

The following articles can be helpful.

Nutrition and Mental Disorders

Eating Mindlessly

Eating Disorders


Depression and Diet

Diet Induced Obesity

Behavior Dieting

Appetite Hormones


Brain Foods

Food for the Mind

Depression and Exercise

Breaking Bad Habits

Substance Use And Addictive Disorders

Substance Use Disorder is an excessive and maladaptive pattern of reliance and repeated use of a substance and dependence. An excessive reliance accompanied by tolerance and withdrawal symptoms, have been combined into one category in the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5.

The combined disorders center on excessive repeated use of alcohol or drugs – pharmaceutical or synthetic – that persist even with efforts to reduce or stop using, causing an interference with daily obligations or social activities, craving or desire to use, and withdrawal reactions.

The substances that people misuse include depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens and cannabis. Estimates of the number of people that display Substance Use Disorder vary widely but the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) report that 8.9 percent of teens and adults – over 22 million people – display Substance Use Disorder. This doesn’t include millions who over-use prescription drugs or the millions of unborn children who are directly affected by substances consumed by their mothers during pregnancy.

Other Addictive Disorders included in this classification are described as addiction to behaviors and activities beyond ingested substances, including Gambling and Gaming Disorders and other problematic behaviors ranging from excessive and abnormal Internet Use to Smartphone Use.

Technology Addiction

Do you find yourself having difficulty or being addicted to internet related activities?

The following articles may be helpful.

Our Addicted Brain

Technology and Psychological Issues

The Addicting Internet

Signs of Internet Addiction


Internet Use Disorder

Internet Sex Screening Checklist

Cyber Maladaptive Disorder

Internet Gaming Disorder


Internet Addiction

The Perils of Sexting

Smart Phone Addiction

Breaking Bad Habits

Disorders of Sex and Gender

Sexual Dysfunction whereby people cannot function normally affects an estimated 31 percent of men and 43 percent of women in the United States during their lifetime. These include not only deficiencies of sexual thoughts, desires, fantasies or arousal lasting six months or longer, they also include reduced sexual frequency, excitement, as well as disorders of orgasms. Some sexual dysfunctions make it difficult or impossible to have or fully enjoy satisfying sexual activity because of physical discomfort or pain.

Other disorders may include performance anxiety due to stress, attitudes, erective disorder, early ejaculation or substance use.

A wide range of sexual disorders include paraphilias, i.e., strong sexual urges or fantasies outside of usual norms of society, including objects, costumes, animals, children, humiliation, bondage, voyeuristic, exhibitionistic, sadistic, as well as numerous fetishes that cause the individual significant distress or impairment lasting six months or longer.

Since the advent of the internet, wide-spread pornography of every description, along with chatrooms, video messaging and social media have spawned an entirely new level of sexual disorders.

Also included in this category are topics of gender dysphoria, where children and adults are uncomfortable and distressed with the gender to which they were born, resulting in their extreme unhappiness.

Do you find yourself having difficulty with a personal sexual problem?

The following articles may be helpful.

The Human Sex Drive


Sexual Dysfunctions

Sex Compulsion – 10 Types


A Word of Caution

Abnormal vs Normal

Orgasmic Disorder

Gender Dysphoria


Fetishes and Paraphilia

Voyeuristic Disorder

Transvestic Disorder

Relationship Checklist