Our emotions, the way we feel, are important natural warning signals that often start before our conscious mind is even aware of them. They are actually the most powerful determinant of a person’s attitudes and decisions. They can over-ride some of our most fundamental drives. For example, disgust, a basicContinue Reading

Codependent people carry on day after day pretending that nothing is wrong, leading an increasingly miserable life. Managing, rescuing and controlling a family member who is struggling with addiction, mental disorders like post-traumatic stress (PTSD), depression, or who have a serious physical illness is difficult, and can be ruining theContinue Reading

The question whether codependency is a disease, passed on from one generation to the next, has been asked for decades. Rather it is a condition in the category of “you know it when you see it.” As yet no concensus exists within the American Psychiatric Association, however numerous definitions abound.Continue Reading