We eat of course because we’re hungry. But what makes us feel hungry? Our physiological state, body chemistry and hypothalamic activity are the drivers behind our eagerness to eat. Yet there is more to hunger than just the need to eat. A Tale of Two Amnesiacs Researchers tested two patientsContinue Reading

Eating Disorders have become such an alarming psychological problem that left untreated may actually become worse over time, leading to suicidal thoughts or suicidal behavior. Anorexia Nervosa  This disorder almost always begins as a weight-loss diet. People with Anorexia Nervosa are significantly below normal weight. Typically by 15 percent orContinue Reading

Our body automatically regulates our caloric intake to prevent energy deficits and to maintain a stable body weight. Does our body somehow keep tabs on its available resources? The answer is yes. To a point. Who Controls Hunger? One such resource is blood glucose. Small increases in the hormone calledContinue Reading

How we feel about ourselves is very important. And its importance in psychology dates back over 125 years. The father of psychology William James (1842-1910), devoted more than 100 pages to the toipic of self in his book “Principles of Psychology” (1890). Today, the self is one of western psychology’sContinue Reading

Alexithymia, from the Greek meaning “lacking,”  is the term for an individual who lacks having or even identifying emotions. While Alexithymia is not a mental disorder it may be the result of masking or co-occurring with other underlying mental health conditions such as depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Continue Reading

Dieting is almost always followed by rapid weight gains. If you really want to lose weight, you must overhaul your eating habits. This approach is called behavior dieting. Here are some very helpful behavior dieting techniques: 1. Become committed to weight loss. Involve your friends and family members in yourContinue Reading