Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is “one of the most prevalent of all mental disorders, surpassed only by substance abuse disorders and depression,” according to the U.S. Government’s National Technical Information Service (NTIS). More than 70 percent of Americans experience a traumatic event sometime during their lifetime. PTSD affects peopleContinue Reading

Many people have their own ideas, right or wrong, about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). If you have PTSD, just accept their advice graciously and thank them. Some people don’t even believe PTSD is a legitimate problem. If you are confronted with people like this, your only weapon is facts.Continue Reading

Many people who suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have experienced a horrifying event that still haunts them. They view life and the world as filled with potential threats, dark shadows and disappointment. Just getting through the day without a panic attack episode is a challenge. But there areContinue Reading

If your normal emotional level is at the edge of anxiety. If you jump out of your skin whenever you hear a loud motorcycle or truck backfire, or the unexpected bark of a large dog. If you feel that if you relax your grip even a little, your whole worldContinue Reading

Usually, putting an unwanted thought out of your mind is a pretty easy task. It’s a fairly simple process of replacing the unwanted thought with another thought. We do this repeatedly all day long. This isn’t the case when a person has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The reason thatContinue Reading

Many Anxiety Disorders are intertwined. If your anxiety symptoms are severe enough, they may fall within a specific category. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Hyperarousal, symptoms of heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping, sweaty palms and continuing irritability, to name a few, often lead to Panic Attacks. More Intense Symptoms Panic AttacksContinue Reading

People who are highly anxious and experience sudden Panic Attacks may experience chest pain, a racing heart, dizziness, choking, feelings of unreality, trembling or fear of losing control. Many people believe they are having a heart attack, are going insane, or about to die.  Sinking Ship To get a betterContinue Reading

Adjustment Disorders occur when ordinary stress pushes people beyond their limits, causing an inability to cope with life. During the last century, the term “nervous breakdown” was used to describe people suffering from anxiety-based problems that caused them misery. Actually, the term “nervous breakdown” never had a formal meaning.  However,Continue Reading