When your time is at a premium but you still wish to relax, here is a great, abbreviated and progressive muscle relaxation technique to relax your body quickly. Begin this relaxation training session with a 10-minute Mindful Breathing exercise (time permitting). Shorten the session as desired. The same muscle groupsContinue Reading

During the next 40 years, you will eat about 20 tons of food. If you chose to increase your daily intake by just .01 of an ounce more than required for your energy needs, you would gain 24 pounds (Martin Et al., 1991). The Hypothalamus monitors levels of the body’sContinue Reading

A person begins to sneeze after seeing a flower on a restaurant table not realizing the flower is made of plastic. Experiences like this hint that stress is not the only psychological influence on a body’s ailments. Simple classical conditioning may also influence our body. If conditioning (seeing the flower)Continue Reading

Our bodies respond to stress with a two-prong system. The first system, the sympathetic nervous system, prompts the release of the stress hormones Epinephrine and Norepinephrine from nerve endings in the inner part of the Adrenal glands. The second system is the Cerebral Cortex, which works through the Hypothalamus andContinue Reading

Males like looking at pornography – a seemingly pleasurable experience. Naked women are interesting and arousing. When they see sexual images it stimulates sexual arousal. When there is a male performer in the scene the viewer can vicariously participate in the sexual act. If self-arousal is used while viewing pornographyContinue Reading

Avoidance of fearful stimuli is one of the hallmarks of almost all anxiety disorders. Anxiety is similar to fear in some ways. It is having a state of apprehension, dread, or uneasiness based on an unclear threat. Anxiety can be both a feeling and a cognitive function. A double whammyContinue Reading

We all feel anxiety from time to time, but anxiety that is out of proportion to a situation may reveal a serious problem. People who suffer with anxiety-related problems feel threatened and often can’t do anything constructive about it. They struggle just to try to control themselves. There are fiveContinue Reading