Founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), developed the psychoanalytic theory of personality development, which argued that personality is formed through conflicts among three fundamental structures of the human mind: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. During his life, beginning in 1852, he wrote more than 320 influential books, articles,Continue Reading

A different approach to diagnosing personality disorders is currently being studied called the Dimensional Approach that may become the standard method in coming years. Individuals whose traits significantly impair normal functions are given a diagnosis called Personality Disorder Trait Specified (PDTS) (APA 2013,2012). This is a complex diagnosis whereby cliniciansContinue Reading

Circle the “Stress Rating” number for events that pertain to you during the last year. Total your score. Being Raped 100Being accused of rape 100Discovering you are HIV positive 100Death of a close friend 97Death of a close family member 97Contracting a sexually transmitted diease 94Concerns about being pregnant 91FinalContinue Reading

Therapy provides a caring relationship between the client and therapist (or the website). This is known as a therapeutic alliance. Emotional rapport, warmth, friendship, understanding, acceptance and empathy are the basis for this relationship. End the Suffering Therapy offers a protected setting within which emotional catharsis (release) can take place.Continue Reading

The treatment of medical disorders during the 17th and 18th centuries at St. Mary’s Bethlehem Hospital in London was commonly referred to as “bedlam.” Visitors would pay to view patients who were strapped and shackled to their chairs and cots, as if they were viewing zoo animals. From Beatings toContinue Reading

During the 19th and early 20th century psychological treatment was based on viewing a mental disorder as an illness that needed to be cured. Mental illnesses were seen in a negative light, and treatment centered on rigid, structured psychotherapy methods for curing the underlying cause.  Limitless Possibilities Psychologist Carl RogersContinue Reading

During the early years of the twentieth century, psychology became established as a field of study, with two distinctly different approaches. One approach was clinical psychology, which was largely based on the psychoanalytical work of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) that psychic tension – the difference between our unconscious and conscious thoughtsContinue Reading

Cognitive-behavior therapy techniqes are used to treat anxiety, panic attacks and phobias. It aims to alter the way people act (behavior therapy), and to alter the way they think (cognitive therapy). It seeks to make people aware of their irrational negatve thinking and to replace it with new ways ofContinue Reading