Modern psychology identifies ten personality disorders (APA, 2013). These are often separated into three groups or clusters. The first cluster is marked by odd or eccentric behavior, a second cluster is marked by dramatic behavior, and the third features a high degree of anxiety. This report is not a diagnosis.Continue Reading

Major DSM-IV-TR CategoriesDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (First & Pincus, 2002) Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood or Adolescence Mental Retardation – as Mild Mental Retardation Learning Disorders – as Reading Disorder Motor Skills Disorder – as Developmental Coordination Disorder Communication Disorder – as Stuttering Pervasive DevelopmentalContinue Reading

Avoidant Personality Disorder is one of a cluster of disorders accompanied by anxiety, called Anxious Personality Disorders. These are accompanied by feelings of fear, nervousness, and poor or low self-esteem. People with this disorder often have strong feelings of rejection from criticism and being judged negatively by others, feel uncomfortableContinue Reading

People with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, just as those afflicted with the more commonly known Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), are overly preoccupied with perfection, order and control – at the expense of losing all flexibility, openness and efficiency. (APA 2013) Their obsession for doing everything “right” impairs their productivity. They become soContinue Reading

Antisocial Personality Disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is the most troubling and researched personality disorder, in which a person usually lacks a conscience of wrong-doing – even toward friends and family members. This person is often impulsive, selfish, dishonest, emotionally shallow, poorly socialized, often incapable of feeling shame, fear, loyalty orContinue Reading

About seventy-five percent of people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder are women. (Gunderson, 2011) People with this disorder display great instability, including major shifts in mood, an unstable self-image and impulsivity. (APA, 2013) When combined, these characteristics can make their relationships very unstable. (Paris, 2010) People with Borderline Personality DisorderContinue Reading